Keeping mice out of rabbit hutch? - how to get rid of mice with a rabbit hutch
My life outside of rabbits in a cage with a chicken under a thick cable connected to a ramp run. There are clearly a rat's nest behind the cab in the bushes, because mice are constantly running in his cab and steal their food. There must be many of them, as I saw at least 3 times will run every day from morning to evening, you should have most of their food.
Obviously want to get rid of mice and that the poison may be the only way to get rid of many of them. But I fear that we eat the pills, then take the cab, before he died, and the rabbit could eat at the end of a few. Is there a sure way to get rid of all the mice? I have also son thinner at the bottom of hutch a difference? I think the mouse up and go through the larger holes in the front cabin.
Mice injury in rabbits at any time? I'm worried he is bitten by a disease and become ill.
Any help?
How To Get Rid Of Mice With A Rabbit Hutch Keeping Mice Out Of Rabbit Hutch?
9:25 AM
Get a kitten
Yes, by a thin wire at the bottom of the frame can make a difference, but I am sure that the mouse only go one other place, if its possible impact to ask the cabin, placed on top of something like bricks for the mouse can not participate if it is not possible, then you should try to see where the mouse and type blocking it.Whatever Do not be marketed poison because, like you said, it could harm your rabbit. Instead you can mousetraps.
Good luck!
Hope this helps!
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