Fur Converse Where Can I Get Cheap Converse (not Online)?

Where can i get cheap converse (not online)? - fur converse

Where can I find skins and economic talk lyk $ 10-20. not only by natural factors (black) but with different colors on the scrap. Help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pleeeeease


Harry said...

I am no expert on shoes, but never when I go I meet a swap always sold Converse shoes. You can usually find a large selection of colors and patterns. Not sure but I think they can counterfeit. It is hard to say because they may look exactly like regular talks to buy a business.

Harry said...

I am no expert on shoes, but never when I go I meet a swap always sold Converse shoes. You can usually find a large selection of colors and patterns. Not sure but I think they can counterfeit. It is hard to say because they may look exactly like regular talks to buy a business.

Brittnee said...

Have a shopping mall or a store in your neighborhood?
They are like the same shops, but cheaper because they were like "style of last year," But believe me that is not used, and most of them look pretty.
In stores in my area were very nice and high above $ 25

good luck (:
Perhaps some research on Google? or somthing: D

p_s_y_c_... said...

Perhaps you can find used (EEK) in a thrift store. I got mine from New York for $ 40 and the second pair at half price off, and so I spent $ 60 for 2 pairs. It is a very good deal, since Greece at a price of $ 80 couples.

luci said...

Payless has Cheap Talk, Arent the real thing, but they look exactly identical, except Tho Arent they all the stars. Also in the swap meet or talk can actually receive a small fee.

__A_YAHO... said...

Haha you're so cheap u can not afford even a few original CONVERSE HAHAHAHA

__A_YAHO... said...

Haha you're so cheap u can not afford even a few original CONVERSE HAHAHAHA

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