Camping Cooking Tripod What Do I Pack On A Non-cooking Vegan Camping Trip?

What do I pack on a non-cooking vegan camping trip? - camping cooking tripod

I'm going camping for the weekend, if I do I can bring a stove or fire, so I prepare all the dishes before my hand. All I can think about is pasta salad. Help?


VeggieTart -- Praise Seitan! said...

Hummus, raw vegetables, chips, salsa, trail mix (for snacks), cut fruit

You can also use your sandwich fixings such as sliced vegetables, meat, vegetables and mustard or something for a PBJ.

You can soup that is eaten cold, how to prepare gazpacho, and make chips or crackers to eat with him.

There are some grains salad is very good served cold.

Stephani... said...

You can use the protein or granola bars, trail mix, popcorn, fruit, nuts, salad dressing pack, baking things like muffins or bread rolls in advance

Woody (King Carrot) said...

Pack carrots healthy goodness. Carrots are good raw materials and does not require much preparation.

Ehrlich E said...

Fault making noodles with eggs and French fries may

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