Finger Pain More Condition_symptoms Do Any Pregnant Woman Have Finger Pain?

Do any pregnant woman have finger pain? - finger pain more condition_symptoms

GNG'm in my 7 months at the 24th and in the last 3 days, the VHA was experiecing pain and discomfort in the fingers. There is more at night than during the day. Why is this so? I am what I am or should I not eat somethinng? British Columbia is an inflammation. ?


sammy said...

is probably a little carpal tunnel swelling usually in the thumb, a pointer and middle finger just a jerk to them and your doctor during your next visit

Mandii said...

I wonder, to tingling in the fingers more often when I'm pregnant. I ran across your OB next visit, but I think that is probably associated with the nerves, not pinched? At least that's what I say. If you are a big piece that I would first call. Good luck.

BK said...

It could be just bloating and water retention how it operated during the summer months. However, it is something that you should tell your doctor as it could be the result of edema or high blood pressure. I urge the morning and be aware of.

kc said...

I am 34 weeks and lately I've noticed that when I wake in the morning, my hands / fingers are really bad and stiff, then gradually ease during the day, but they are usually pain. My dr. said its normal ...

old bitty said...

I think this is due to inflammation. that the joints become painful towards the end. Might want to discuss with your DR as swelling too much or too quickly can be a sign of something else.

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